Slewing Bearings

Three Row Roller Slewing Bearings

Three-row roller slewing bearing has three seat rings; the upper and lower raceways and the radial raceways are separated so that a load of each row of roller can be determined accurately. Being able to bear all kinds of limitations simultaneously, it is the largest one of the four structural products with large axial and radial dimensions and firm structures. It is especially suitable for heavy machinery requiring larger diameter, such as bucket wheel stacker and reclaimer, wheel crane, marine crane, port crane, ladle turret and large tonnage truck crane, heavy machinery, and so on.

As one of the slewing bearings manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of mechanical products, We offer slewing bearings and many other products.Please get in touch with us for details.

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Three-row roller slewing bearing has three seat rings; the upper and lower raceways and the radial raceways are separated so that a load of each row of roller can be determined accurately. Being able to bear all kinds of limitations simultaneously, it is the largest one of the four structural products with large axial and radial dimensions and firm structures. It is especially suitable for heavy machinery requiring larger diameter, such as bucket wheel stacker and reclaimer, wheel crane, marine crane, port crane, ladle turret and large tonnage truck crane, heavy machinery, and so on.

Product parameters

(1) Model parameters of externally toothed three-row roller slewing bearings

Bearing Model Dimensions Mounting Dimensions Structural Dimension Gear data weight  (kg)
Dmm dmm Hmm D1mm D2mm n omm dmmm Lmm n1 D3mm d1mm H1mm hmm bmm x Mmm Demm z
131.25.500 634 366 148 598 402 24 18 M16 32 537 526 4 138 32 80 0.5 5 664 130 224
132.25.500 6 664.8 108
131.25.560 694 426 148 658 462 24 18 M16 32 597 586 4 138 32 80 0.5 5 724 142 240
132.25.560 6 724.8 118
131.25.630 764 496 148 728 532 28 18 M16 32 667 656 4 138 32 80 0.5 6 808.8 132 270
132.25.630 8 806.4 98
131.25.710 844 576 148 808 612 28 18 M16 32 747 736 4 138 32 80 0.5 6 886.8 145 300
132.25.710 8 886.4 108
131.32.800 964 636 182 920 680 36 22 M20 40 841 830 4 172 40 120 0.5 8 1006.4 123 500
132.32.800 10 1008 98
131.32.900 1064 736 182 1020 780 36 22 M20 40 941 930 4 172 40 120 0.5 8 1102.4 135 600
132.32.900 10 1108 108
131.32.1000 1164 836 182 1120 880 40 22 M20 40 1041 1030 5 172 40 120 0.5 10 1218 119 680
132.32.1000 12 1221.6 99
131.32.1120 1284 956 182 1240 1000 40 22 M20 40 1161 1150 5 172 40 120 0.5 10 1338 131 820
132.32.1120 12 1341.6 109
131.40.1250 1445 1055 220 1393 1107 45 26 M24 48 1300 1287 5 210 50 150 0.5 12 150.6 123 1200
132.40.1250 14 1509.2 105
131.40.1400 1595 1205 220 1543 1257 45 26 M24 48 1450 1437 5 210 50 150 0.5 12 1665.6 136 1300
132.40.1400 14 1663.2 116
131.40.1600 1795 1405 220 1743 1457 48 26 M24 48 1650 1637 6 210 50 150 0.5 14 1873.2 131 1520
132.40.1600 16 1868.8 114
131.40 1800 1995 1605 220 1943 1657 48 26 M24 48 1850 1837 6 210 50 150 0.5 14 2069.2 145 1750
132.40.1800 16 2076.8 127
131.45.2000 2221 1779 231 2155 1845 60 33 M30 60 2055 2033 6 219 54 160 0.5 16 2300.8 141 2400
132.45.2000 18 2300.4 125
131.45.2240 2461 2019 231 2395 2085 60 33 M30 60 2295 2273 6 219 54 160 0.5 16 2556.8 157 2700
132.45.2240 18 2552.4 139
131.45.2500 2721 2279 231 2655 2345 72 33 M30 60 2555 2533 8 219 54 160 0.5 18 2822.4 154 3000
132.45.2500 20 2816 138
131.45.2800 3021 2579 231 2955 2645 72 33 M30 60 2855 2833 8 219 54 160 0.5 18 3110.4 170 3400
132.45.2800 20 3116 153
131.50.3150 3432 2868 270 3342 2958 72 45 M42 84 3213 3196 8 258 65 180 0.5 20 3536 174 50000
132.50.3150 22 3537.6 158
131.50.3550 3832 3268 270 3742 3358 72 45 M42 84 3613 3596 8 258 65 180 0.5 22 3936 194 5680
132.50.3550 22 393.6 176
131.50.4000 4282 3718 270 4192 3808 80 45 M42 84 4063 4046 8 258 65 180 0.5 22 4395.6 197 6470
132.50.4000 25 4395 173
131.50.4500 4782 4218 270 4692 4308 80 45 M42 84 4563 4546 8 258 65 180 0.5 22 4901.6 220 7320
132.50.4500 25 4895 193
(2) Internal gear type three-row roller slewing bearing
Bearing Model Dimensions Mounting Dimensions Structural Dimension Gear data weight  (kg)
Dmm dmm Hmm D1mm D2mm n omm dmmm Lmm n1 D3mm d1mm H1mm hmm bmm x Mmm Demm z
133.25.500 634 366 148 598 402 24 18 M16 32 474 463 4 0 32 80 0.5 5 337 68 224
134.25.500 6 338.4 57
133.25.560 694 426 148 658 462 24 18 M16 32 534 523 1 10 32 80 0.5 5 397 80 240
134.25.560 6 398.4 67
133.25.630 764 496 148 728 532 28 18 M16 32 604 593 4 10 32 80 0.5 6 458.4 77 270
134.25.630 8 459.2 58
133.25.710 844 576 148 808 612 28 18 M16 32 684 673 4 10 32 80 0.5 6 536.4 90 300
134.25.710 8 539.2 68
133.32.800 964 636 182 920 680 36 22 M20 40 770 759 4 10 40 120 0.5 8 595.2 75 500
134.32.800 10 594 60
133.32.900 1064 736 182 1020 780 36 22 M20 40 870 859 4 10 40 120 0.5 8 691.2 87 600
134.32.900 10 60 70
133.32.100 1164 836 182 1120 880 40 22 M20 40 970 959 5 10 40 120 0.5 10 784 79 680
134.32.100 12 784.8 66
133.32.112 1284 956 182 1240 1000 40 22 M20 40 1090 1079 5 10 40 120 0.5 10 904 91 820
134.32.112 12 904 76
133.40.125 1445 1055 220 1393 1107 45 26 M24 48 1213 100 5 10 50 150 0.5 12 988.8 83 1200
134.40.125 14 985.6 71
133.40.140 1595 1205 220 1543 1257 45 26 M24 48 1363 1350 5 10 50 150 0.5 12 1145 96 1300
134.40.140 14 1410 82
133.40.160 1795 1405 220 1743 1457 48 26 M24 48 1563 1550 6 10 50 150 0.5 14 1336 96 1520
134.40.160 16 1334 84
133.40.180 1995 1605 220 1943 1657 48 26 M24 48 1763 1750 6 10 50 150 0.5 14 1532 110 1750
134.40.180 16 1526 96
133.45.200 2221 1779 231 2155 1845 60 33 M30 60 1967 1945 6 12 54 160 0.5 16 1702 107 2400
134.45.200 18 1699 95
133.45.224 2461 2019 231 2395 2085 60 33 M30 60 2207 2185 6 12 54 160 0.5 16 1926 121 2700
134.45.224 18 1933 108
133.45.250 2721 2279 231 2655 2345 72 33 M30 60 2467 2445 8 12 54 160 0.5 18 2185 12 3000
134.45.250 20 2188 110
133.45.280 3021 2579 231 2955 2645 72 33 M30 60 2767 2745 8 12 54 160 0.5 18 2491 139 3400
134.45.280 20 2488 125
133.50.315 3432 2868 270 3342 2958 72 45 M42 84 3104 3090 8 12 65 180 0.5 20 2768 139 5000
134.50.315 22 2759 126
131.50.355 3832 3268 270 3742 3358 72 45 M42 84 3504 3490 8 258 65 180 0.5 20 3168 159 5680
132.50.355 22 3155 144
131.50.400 4282 3718 270 4192 3808 80 45 M42 84 3954 3940 8 258 65 180 0.5 22 311 165 6470
132.50.400 25 3610 145
131.50.450 4782 4218 270 4692 4308 80 45 M42 84 4454 4440 8 258 65 180 0.5 22 4123 188 7320
132.50.450 25 4110 165

(3) Gearless three-row roller slewing bearing model parameters

Bearing Model Dimensions Mounting Dimensions Structural Dimension weight  (kg)
Dmm dmm Hmm D1mm D2mm n mm dmmm Lmm nl D3mm d1mm H1mm hmm
130.25.500 634 366 148 598 402 24 18 M16 32 474 463 4 10 32 224
130.25.560 694 426 148 658 462 24 18 M16 32 534 523 4 10 32 240
130.25.630 764 496 148 728 532 28 18 M16 32 604 593 4 10 32 270
130.25.710 844 576 148 808 612 28 18 M16 32 684 673 4 10 32 300
130.32.800 964 636 182 920 680 36 22 M20 40 770 759 4 10 40 500
130.32.900 1064 736 182 1020 780 36 22 M20 40 870 859 4 10 40 600
130.32.1000 1164 836 182 1120 880 40 22 M20 40 970 959 5 10 40 680
130.32.1120 1284 956 182 1240 1000 40 22 M20 40 1090 1079 5 10 40 820
130.40.1250 1445 1055 220 1393 1107 45 26 M24 48 1213 1200 5 10 50 1200
130.40.1400 1595 1205 220 1543 1257 45 26 M24 48 1363 1350 5 10 50 1300
130.40.1600 1795 1405 220 1743 1457 48 26 M24 48 1563 1550 6 10 50 1520
130.40.1800 1995 1605 220 1943 1657 48 26 M24 48 1763 1750 6 10 50 1750
130.45.2000 2221 1779 231 2155 1845 60 33 M30 60 1967 1945 6 12 54 2400
130.45.2240 2461 2019 231 2395 2085 60 33 M3O 60 2207 2185 6 12 54 2700
130.45.2500 2721 2279 231 2655 2345 72 33 M30 60 2467 2445 8 12 54 3000
130.45.2800 3021 2579 231 2955 2645 72 33 M30 60 2767 2745 8 12 54 3400
130.50.3150 3432 2868 270 3342 2958 72 45 M42 84 3104 3090 8 12 65 5000
130.50.3550 3832 3268 270 3742 3358 72 45 M42 84 3504 3490 8 258 65 5680
130.05.4000 4282 3718 270 4192 3808 80 45 M42 84 3954 3940 8 258 65 6470
130.50.4500 4782 4218 270 4692 4308 80 45 M42 84 4454 4440 8 258 65 7320

Design Features

The three-row roller slewing bearing has three rows of independent rollers, the direction of which is perpendicular to the direction of the load transmitting, the top and bottom rollers holding the axial load, and the middle roller loading the radial load.

Slewing bearings application

Slewing bearings are widely used in large-scale slewing devices of hoisting machinery, mining machinery, construction machinery, port machinery, marine machinery, and high-precision radar machinery and missile launchers. At the same time, it can also design, develop and produce various special structure slewing bearings according to the specific requirements of users.In addition to various engineering machinery, the application range of slewing bearings has gradually expanded. Equipment platforms such as port equipment, metallurgical equipment, and drilling platforms have begun to use slewing bearings to replace original bearings on a large scale. For example the following…

  • Port equipment: port cranes, reach stackers;
  • New energy equipment: wind power equipment, solar power equipment;
  • Metallurgical equipment: metallurgical cranes, ladle turrets, steel grabbing machines, clay guns, oxygen blowing devices;
  • Amusement equipment: Ferris wheel, etc.;
  • Airport equipment: Airport refueling machine;
  • Military equipment: radars, tanks, etc.;
  • Robots: palletizing robots, welding robots, manipulators;
  • Medical equipment: gamma knife;
  • Environmental protection equipment: mud scraper;
  • Parking equipment: tower garage;
  • Drilling platform equipment, kitchen equipment, numerical control equipment (wire cutting machine, quenching machine tool), brick machine.